Either create a Transferwise account or log in to your existing one - Link

Using Transferwise to donate money from your Bank to us is a simple process

1. Select the send money button on the top left of the page.

Send money with wise

2. Choose where do you want to send from

Send from

3. Enter the amount you wish to donate

Send amount

4. Select the Business or Charity button on the bottom right of the screen

Sending money

5. Enter our Account details and iBAN Number

SEPA includes countries in the EU and EEA

IBAN : BE14 9671 8522 3583


GBP account details :

IBAN : GB47 TRWI 2314 7088 8113 91

Account number : 88811391

Sort code: 23-14-70

USD account details :

Inside USA:

ACH routing number : 026073150

Wire routing number : 026073008

Account number : 8312015471

Account type: Checking

Outside USA :

Routing number : 026073008

Wire routing number : 026073008

Account number : 8312015471

Send to

6. Choose the reason for this transfer

Sending reason

7. Confirm the amount


8. Enter Your Password to approve this transfer.  Thank you