Hibernation is the process of saving the content currently in memory to the hard drive to allow your PC to shut down completely, When your computer hibernates, it takes a snapshot of your system files and drivers
Microsoft Edge is a “Trusted” UI App and a core part of the Windows 11-10 Operating System it sets itself to not only be the default browser, but the default PDF reader too it is integrated in Windows 11
Computers with Windows will show you a list of available WiFi networks in your surrounding , If you have a lot of wireless access points within your area, then you could have a lot of SSIDs (network names)
In Windows, mouse settings are controlled by using the Mouse Properties dialog box. There are different ways to open mouse settings , for example go to Start button- Control Panel, In the search tab type mouse
When you connect to a Ethernet or wired network for the first time, Windows automatically creates a network profile and assigns generic names like Network 1, Network 2, etc. finally stores it on your computer
A VHD is a large container file that simulates the file structure of a hard drive. Think of it as a fancy ZIP file, but without the compression. VHDs are single files and are most commonly used as
The Microsoft Store app comes built into Windows and allows you to download and install dozens of apps and games. It’s possible to open any Microsoft Store app from Command Prompt , Run dialog box