To keep your PC in good working order, it’s important to ensure that any clutter and unused files are removed on a regular basis , Temporary files are stored on the hard drive and they can fill up your TEMP folders , Regular maintenance can help to speed things up and free up a lot of space for that reason we have coded a small tool “Temp Cleaner” it can clean up your temp folder easily (just run it). The software only deletes unused files in the “%Temp%” and “%SystemRoot%\Temp” folders.Some files and folders may not be deleted if they are being used
What is New (Sunday, 26 July 2020)
01. FIXED – Temp Cleaner Doesn’t work on some Windows systems and give Line 10 Error
02. FIXED – Temp folder cleanup error under Standart user Account
03. FIXED – If the taskbar location is different,no notification message appears
04. ADDED – x64 version
After Temp Cleaner run it will show the number of the deleted TEMP files and Folders on system tray , if you use TempCleaner.exe with /s parameter it doesn’t show any message on system tray
NOTE: To delete some files or Folders , You may need to run the Temp Cleaner with admin Privileges
With your opinion, We can add it extra features and develop it further
Supported operating systems: Windows 11 , Windows 10 , Windows 8.1 , Windows 8 , Windows 7 , Windows Vista , Windows Xp – (x86 & x64)
File: TempCleaner_x64.exe │ Virustotal
MD5: 8e99f637dc40d286e8f499a683cd7c1f
SHA1: 5926a6f6669c347f670053cfa6ca090669c0aa09
File: TempCleaner.exe │ Virustotal
MD5: ce8fe550a36bfef4ac68fd42efd37e68
SHA1: de4067d8c07b6b86ffd828413ce368310d0d3a5c
Thanks for your comment , we have noted it down
It would be very nice to add the option "Delete files and folders older than N days." Then this program would stand out favorably among others.
Using Win10 and no message shown of how many files/folders were actually deleted.
Super program, thank you very much for this.
Would it be possible to delete the contents of the prefetch folder?
Useful little program.
The only thing I would add would be to delete the RECYCLE BIN. Then I can clean the temp files AND Recyble Bin automatically.
Thank you, we have noted it down.
tried to find a solution for this simple problem:
Clean TEMP folder at system restart…
With no real success. BAT or EXE worked as fine as Temp Cleaner, when I launched myself; but auto starting with Windows failed. It was even harder to adjust with admin privilege.
I encountered the same issue with Tempcleaner. Finally succeed, creating a scheduled task, at startup +1 minute, with Highest privilege.
( My guess there might be some issue with the chronology at start up )
So my suggestion for two options:
– /d60 Delay execution for 60 seconds.
– /startup Add an entry to task scheduler to automatically clean TEMP folders at startup, possibly some delay.
# Скрипт для очистки папки Temp каждого пользователя
# (C) Alex
# FileName=Del_Temp.ps1
Write-Host "`nЗапуск процесса удаления…`n"
cd "C:\Documents and Settings"
ForEach ($t in dir -Name -Exclude "All Users") {del "$t\Local Settings\Temp\*" -Recurse -Force; Write-Host "$t = OK"}
cd C:\
Read-Host "Для выхода нажмите Enter"
:: Сценарий для автовызова скрипта
:: (C) Alex
:: FileName=AutoStart.cmd
powershell.exe C:\Install\Del_Temp.ps1
в приведенном примере файл запускаемого скрипта находится по пути: C:\Install.
не плохо бы предоставить возможность добавить свои папки для очистки. спасибо
It would be great if an option could be that, when run as Administrator, it also goes to each folder in C:\Users and deletes all temp files/folders in those as well.
delete the prefetch you need to add
Здравствуйте.Можете добавить очистку кеша DNS
Would it be possible to add to this tool (or a new tool) the possibility to change the temporary folders that Windows uses and maybe other tools, like IExplore?
It’s not complicated to do this manually, but tedious if you have to do this more often…
Many thanks in advance!
Thanks for your comment
Adding your own temp folder would be great.
This in a batch file should clean all temp file very well! try incorporating this in the next version!
You wont regret it!
@echo off
Temp cleaner
RD /S /Q %temp%
MKDIR %temp%
takeown /f "%temp%" /r /d y
takeown /f "C:\Windows\Temp" /r /d y
RD /S /Q C:\Windows\Temp
MKDIR C:\Windows\Temp
takeown /f "C:\Windows\Temp" /r /d y
takeown /f %temp% /r /d y