The Windows 11 And Windows 10 Start Menus lets you pin apps so that they are easier to access. You can group them together and manage the size of the tiles as well as the width of the Start Menu. Whether you love tiles or not, you can find ways to customize and work them so it’s easier to access your favorite apps. You can resize your tiles, pin and unpin them on the Start menu or Start screen. After devoting so much time arranging tiles on the Start menu, it would be annoying if something were to happen to it , a registry corruption , a new application installation or a bad update can rearrange or delete the tiles on the Start menu. To avoid such a situation you can Back Up And Restore The Start Menu Layout In Windows 10. This can be also handy if you do not want to have to setup your Start menu layout from scratch again. Say after a clean install of Windows 10.
Backup Start Menu Layout v1.6 – (Thursday, September 22, 2022)
[Fixed] – Error: Reg file could not be created
[Added] – Some code Improvements
Windows 11 Start Menu
Windows 10 start Menu
Backup and Restore Start Menu Layout in Windows 11 and Windows 10
Backup Start menu layout is a very simple portable freeware Application to backup and restore Windows 10 start menu layout. Extract the downloaded ZIP file and run Appropriate .exe file (x64 or x86)
1. To backup Windows 10 start menu layout use the second icon (Diskette Icon) , an input will appear in the Program interface.
2. If you select the backup entry and use the first icon You can restore the saved windows 10 start menu layout. you can also double click on it
How to reset Start Menu Layout in Windows 11 and Windows 10
If your Start Menu has gotten overly cluttered, or want to restore the tiles that you’ve unpinned from Start Menu just use Backup Start menu layout v1.1 Reset start menu layout feture. It will reset your start menu layout back to it’s default configuration. To do that Just click the Lifesaver icon or Use File – Reset Star Menu Layout
You can delete any backup with Trash can button. To see all the supported command line parameters , use the File – Command Line Info feature
Supported operating systems: Windows 11 and Windows 10 (x64 – x86)
Supported languages: English, Turkish, German, Italian, French , Korean , Portuguese (Brasil) , Chinese (Simplified) , Polish , Spanish , Greek , Dutch (Nederlands), Russian , Hungarian , Swedish , Japanese , Romanian , Vietnamese , Arabic , Ukrainian , Bulgarian , Persian
File: BackupSML_x64.exe │ Virustotal
MD5: 77fa52f4cbad30e4024a0b461a7a9549
SHA1: 1b365f357322802838c26a63c2a7be62a71984be
File: BackupSML.exe │ Virustotal
MD5: 13c037ad27faaadcbd4c89f8df80a23b
SHA1: 92709c07f1158a8625e95290abc23f3da9ae1ce8
Handy and simple, thank you for sharing your solution!
SENSATIONAL. I broke my head trying for PowerShell and stuff, but this program is SIMPLE! Click to backup, click to restore. EXCELLENT WORK … Using Windows 20H1
You can use BackupSML.exe from a USB flash drive
Need the facilty to make a copy of the backup to a diferent folder, assume its saved in the C ( boot ) drive, if windows is repair installed this may get lost, or if the app is launced from a NON boot HDD will it be safer ?
Thanks for your nice Comment 🙂
One click.
I spent 6 hours trying every fix under the bloody sun and this beautiful little program fixed it all with one f**King click.
I could kiss you, Devs. Thank you so much!
non-system links (START menu) CMD-line
del "D:\Start Menu" | md "D:\Start Menu" | Copy "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\*.lnk" "D:\Start Menu\"
Copy /Y "D:\Start Menu\*.lnk" "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\"
为什么在我的Windows系统上它并不能发挥作用。我是Windows10 2004版
Dear, can you add simplified Chinese language to the software?
Quand je pense qu’il suffit juste de copier le dossier qui se trouve
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
garder le et en cas de probléme le recoller tout simplement et tout redevient normal aucne modife
En faite la copie et une sauvegarde.
It’s a bit better if you have a Chinese Translation 🙂
Why don’t you use ; File – "Reset Start Menu Layout" feature ?
Does anyone have the default layouts of the past windows 10 editions?
Very interesting software ! Except it does not work on Windows 10 LTSB 2016 (1607 / 14393) (says "Reg file could not be created") neither Windows 10 LTSB 2019 (1809 / 17763) (does not launch at all)…
I’ve been working on StartLayout.xml file with export-startlayout in PowerShell a lot but I got stuck on 1607 with a malformed StartLayout wich I can’t discard or replace with a valid one…
If you have a workaround command or an older version of the tool I would be very happy !
Nice GUI for registry export/import and
deleting HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CloudStore\Store\Cache\DefaultAccount
with Export-StartLayout cmdlent. Anyway nice work.
Superb – having lost my carefully arranged Start Menu after another W10 update, this will save me a lot of time next time it happens!
Thanks for you sharing , bro !