Desktop.ini Editor v1.1

Desktop.ini editor
The desktop.ini file is a hidden Windows operating system configuration settings file located in every folder and used to store information about the arrangement of a Windows folder. Essentially, if the layout or settings for a folder are changed, a desktop.ini file is automatically generated to save those changes. When you create a new folder in Windows it is created with the standard folder icon, one common use of the desktop.ini file is to use to it set a custom icon for a folder, however this is not the only thing that it is used for. The desktop.ini file can contain alot of attributes but the following custom attributes are the most common:

ConfirmFileOp : Set this entry to 0 to avoid a “You Are Deleting a System Folder” warning when deleting or moving the folder.

IconFile : If you want to specify a custom icon for the folder, set this entry to the icon’s file name. The .ico file extension is preferred, but it is also possible to specify .bmp files, or .exe and .dll files that contain icons.

IconIndex : Set this entry to specify the index for a custom icon. If the file assigned to IconFile only contains a single icon, set IconIndex to 0.

InfoTip : Set this entry to an informational text string. It is displayed as an infotip when the cursor hovers over the folder. If the user clicks the folder, the information text is displayed in the folder’s information block, below the standard information.
Click for more Desktop.ini Commands

What is New (Monday, September 27, 2021)

[Added] – Encode selection under the File menu
[Fixed] – The font in the interface is too small
[Added] – Option to add CLSID to ini File
[Added] – Some code Improvements

How to use Desktop.ini Editor

Desktop.ini editör is a portable freeware to simplify the Desktop.ini operations , it can help you to edit desktop.ini files and set custom folder icons , Folder Info Tips , adding CLSID , reset folder settings to default usw. If Windows determine to ignore any changes to desktop.ini file use “Desktop.ini Editor”

Desktop.ini editor drag and drop function

It has a minimalist GUI. Drag & Drop any folder to edit Desktop.ini file you can also use the “Select Folder” button . Under “Attribute Examples” Button you will find many features you can also edit desktop.ini file manually

Desktop.ini Attributes

To Apply your custom settings use the “Apply Changes” button after that if you not see any changes please use the “Rebuild Shell Icon cache” Option under the File menu

Rebuild shell icon cache

Desktop.ini Editor also offers CMD support.

desktop.ini supported cmd parameters

NOTE: If the process fails, try running the program as administrator.

Supported operating systems: Windows 11 , Windows 10 , Windows 8.1 , Windows 8 , Windows 7 , Windows Vista , Windows Xp – (x86 & x64)

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File: DeskEdit.exe
MD5 : 7384a91e24ac2ff3917cead6c7aded02
SHA1: 7c9e66dcb9f315c9564a560f7b3e235b185f2448
SHA-256: 1b4a4e1d4ee9fc605e5dec31f0cfb592d6696c1317e74c8fc675a498d266f33a



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